She studied at the Escuela Nacional de Cerámica, attended workshops at Sociedad Estímulo de Bellas Artes and took classes with Renato Benedetti, Miguel Angel Bengochea and Emilio Renart. In the early 1980s she began to actively participate in Buenos Aires underground artistic scene, in spaces such as Café Einstein and the magazine El Porteño.
In addition to sculptures, objects, paintings, installations and photo-performances, her activity also included the organization of exhibitions and multidisciplinary collective projects such as Lavarte (1985), an exhibition on an automatic laundry; La Kermesse. The paradise of the beasts (1986) and La Conquista (1991). She also worked collaboratively with artists such as Ezequiel Furgiuele and photographer Marcos López.
Her individual exhibitions include: La cochambre. Lo que el viento se llevó, Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, 1989; No todo lo que brilla es oro, Galería Adriana Indik, 1989; Recolecta, Centro Cultural Recoleta, 1990; Wotan-Vulcano, Centro Cultural Recoleta, 1991; Espacio disponible, Casal de Catalunya, 1992; Imagen pública-Altas esferas, Centro Cultural Recoleta, 1993. In 1994, two days after opening her retrospective exhibition Frenesí at Centro Cultural Recoleta, she died in Buenos Aires. In 2008 the exhibition Transmutaciones was held at the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino in Rosario, and in 2017 the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires dedicated the exhibition Liliana Maresca. El ojo avizor, 1982-1994.
Her work is represented in Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, MALBA Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid and TATE Modern in London, among other collections.